Buying Christmas presents for my horrid mother is always difficult and much more so this year. Luckily Covid-19 has given me an excuse not to see her but I know I need to make it up to her with a more substantial gift.  Even though she always finds something wrong with my choice.  

Any ideas on what I should buy?  



You are absolutely right that your horrid parent won’t be grateful whatever you send her, so just do what you think is right.  It’s been an incredibly hard year for everyone with  many of us struggling financially so don’t spend more than you can afford. It’s the thought that counts.  

There are lots of options:  You could send your mother some  special fresh foods or cupboard treats by mail order: vouchers for a take away meal delivery or, if it’s appropriate, a restaurant meal. 

Perhaps she might like a voucher for a spa or beauty treatment, or a trip to the theatre or cinema,  or a special plant from a nursery.  All these choices would also, of course, help industries that have suffered this year. 

Alternatively you could consider making a donation to a charity that she supports.  


